Sunday, October 20, 2019

Davening times for Shemini Atzeres

A gute voch. 

This is a reminder of the times for davening on Shemini Atzeres 

and Simchas Torah.  A couple of our members are out of town.  We 

need everyone to participate in order to guarantee a minyan for these 

important holidays.

Have a good Yomtov


Sunday, Oct. 20
Candle lighting: 5:51 pm

Minchah & Ma'ariv: 5:50 pm


Monday, Oct. 21
Shacharis: 9:00 am

Hallel, Torah: 10:00 am

Yizkor, Mussaf, Tefilas Geshem: 10:30 am
Minchah: 5:45 pm

Ma'ariv and Hakkafos: 6:50 pm

Candle lighting at home after 6:52 pm


Tuesday, Oct. 22
Shacharis: 9:00 am

Hallel, Hakkafos:10:00 am

Yomtov ends at 6:50 pm