Minchah this erev Shabbos, will
be at 6:35 pm.
Shacharis on Saturday will be at 9:00 amfollowed by
a hot Kiddush.
Motzaei Shabbos is also Shavuos. We will daven minchah
at 8:00 pm; maariv at 9:25 pm. Candle lighting is after 9:24 pm.
Sunday (first day of Shavuos) shacharis will be at 9:00 am,
followed by Kiddush and ice cream. Minchah will be at
8:15 pm. Light candles after 9:26 pm.
Monday (second day of Shavuos) shacharis will be at 9:00
am, followed by Kiddush.
Yom tov will be over at 9:27 pm on Monday night.