Please join us and Chazzan Yoni Jakubovic for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services. Everybody is welcome, no tickets required.
For more information or to arrange a meal please contact 613-565-6194 or
Davening times:
Rosh Hashana September 29 - October 1
Sunday September 29
Mincha: 6:30pm
Monday September 30
Shacharis: 8:30am
Mincha followed by Tashlich on Cummings Bridge (connecting Rideau st. to Montreal rd.) and maariv: 5:45pm
Tuesday October 1
Shacharis: 8:30am
Mincha: 6:30pm
Yom Kippur October 8-9
Tuesday October 8
Kol Nidrei: 6:13pm
Wednesday October 9
Shacharis: 8:30am
Torah service and Yizkor: 10:30am
Mincha: 5:00pm
Neila: 6:15pm
Fast ends at 7:13pm
Kesivah veChasimah Tovah
May all of our prayers be answered, and may we all be inscribed
for a year of happiness and health in the book of life.
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