Please note, the Fast begins at sundown at 8:45pm, before the end of Shabbos.
Ma’ariv following by Megilas Eicha read by Rabbi David Rotenberg will be at 10:00pm.
Ottawa's Downtown Orthodox Synagogue
Please note, the Fast begins at sundown at 8:45pm, before the end of Shabbos.
Ma’ariv following by Megilas Eicha read by Rabbi David Rotenberg will be at 10:00pm.
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Devarim:
Mincha Friday evening: 6:45pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am
Kiddush following Shacharis
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Pinchas:
Mincha Friday evening: 6:55pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am
Kiddush following Shacharis