Please join us for inspiring Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services led once again by Chazzan Yoni Jacubovic.
All are welcome.
Please contact the shul for more information or for meals.
613-565-6294 or
Rosh Hashanah
Note that since this is a triple set of holy days (Shabbos included),
you have to make an Eruv Tavshilin (berachah in any siddur or machzor)
during the preparations of food for Rosh Hashanah. (The same situation
will arise on Succos and Shemini Atzeres.) Essentially you have to set
aside two cooked foods and declare that you will be eating them on
Wednesday September 20
Candle lighting: 6:46 pm
Minchah & Ma'ariv: 6:45 pm
Thursday September 21
Shacharis: 8:30 amShofar: 11:00 am
Minchah, Taschlich, Ma'ariv: 6:00 pm
Candle lighting after 7:46 pm
Friday September 22
Shacharis: 8:30 am
Shofar: 11:00 am
Minchah, followed by Kabbalos Shabbos: 6:40 pm
Candle lighting before 6:42 pm
Saturday, Sept. 23 (Shabbos Shuvah):
Shacharis: 9:00 am
Yom Kippur
Friday, September 29
Light candles by 6:28 pm
Fast begins at 6:46 pm (better at 6:28 pm)
Kol Nidrei: 6:30 pm
Saturday, September 30
Shacharis: 8:30 am
Torah reading and Yizkor: 10:30 am
Minchah: 5:15 pm
Ne'ila: 6:30 pm
Shabbos and fast end at 7:28 pm
Kesivah veChasimah Tovah
May all of our prayers be answered, and may we all be inscribed
for a year of happiness and health in the book of life.
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