Monday, October 27, 2014

Shabbos Parashas Lech Lecha: October 31-November 1, 2014

Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Lech Lecha:


Mincha Friday evening: 5:30pm

Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am



Sunday, October 19, 2014

SHABBAT PROJECT 2014: October 25 - City Havdala

There will be a community Havdala service at the Soloway JCC at 7:30pm on Saturday October 25th as part of the Shabbat Project. All are welcome. There will be music and food. No charge!

SHABBAT PROJECT 2014: October 24-25

Ohev Yisroel is proud to join all other Ottawa synagogues in participating in the Shabbat Project, an international project to have all Jews observe one shabbos together.

There will be a large kiddush following services Saturday morning.

Services start at 9:00am. The Torah will be read at 10:00.

Please join us!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5775 Featuring Chazzan Yoni Jakubovic

Ohev Yisroel is excited to welcome back Chazzan Yoni Jakubovic of Toronto to lead our High Holiday services for the second year in a row!

Yoni Jakubovic’s avatar

Samples of Chazzan Jakubovic's music can be found at his website:

Everybody is welcome!

For meals please contact the shul at or 613-565-6194;

Rosh Hashana:
Wednesday, September 24:
Candlelighting: 6:40pm
Mincha: 6:40pm

Thursday, September 25:
Shacharis: 8:30am
Shofar: 11:00am
Mincha and Tashlich: 6:00pm followed by Ma'ariv
Candlelighting after 7:41pm

Friday, September 26:
Shacharis: 8:30am
Shofar: 11:00am
Mincha: 6:35pm followed by Kabbalos Shabbos
Candlelighting before 6:36pm

Saturday, September 27:
Shacharis: 9:00am
Shabbos ends at 7:37pm

Yom Kippur:
Friday, October 3:
Light candles by 6:23pm
Fast begins by 6:41pm
Kol Nidrei: 6:25pm

Saturday, October 4:
Shacharis: 8:30am
Yizkor: 10:30am
Mincha: 5:10pm
Neila: 6:25pm