Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Yisro:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 4:50pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:30am
Mincha following kiddush
Ottawa's Downtown Orthodox Synagogue
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Yisro:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 4:50pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:30am
Mincha following kiddush
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Beshalach:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 4:40pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:30am
Mincha following Kiddush
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Bo
Mincha Friday afternoon: 4:30pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:30am
Mincha following Kiddush
One of our members has yarzeit for his late wife next week and would like to be able to read the Haftorah in her honour on Shabbos morning, as is the custom. Please make every effort to attend to ensure we have a minyan.
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Vaera:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 4:20pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:30am
Mincha following Kiddush