Services for erev Tisha B’Av will be held at 9:00pm on Wednesday July 29, 2009.
Please note that we have limited copies of Eicha and Kinnos, so please bring your own if you have.
Ottawa's Downtown Orthodox Synagogue
Services for erev Tisha B’Av will be held at 9:00pm on Wednesday July 29, 2009.
Please note that we have limited copies of Eicha and Kinnos, so please bring your own if you have.
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Devarim:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 6:45pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am
Mincha Saturday evening: 8:10pm
Shalosh Seudos and Pirkei Avos following Mincha.
***Mazal tov to Ian Disend and Karine Toupin-April on their upcoming wedding. Please join us as Ian is called to the Torah for his Aufruf on Saturday morning.***
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Matos-Masei:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 6:50pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am
Mincha Saturday evening: 8:15pm
Shalosh Seudos and Pirkei Avos following Mincha
Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Pinchos:
Mincha Friday afternoon: 6:50pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am
Mincha Saturday evening: 8:20pm
Shalosh Seudos and Pirkei Avos following Mincha