Friday, June 13, 2008

Shabbos Parashas B'ha'aloscha: June 13-14, 2008

Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas B'ha'aloscha:

Mincha Friday evening: 6:55pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am


Mazel tov to the Teitelbaum and Roll families on the upcoming wedding of Avromi and Rivka! Please just us for Avromi's Aufruf and the kiddush following!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 15, 2008: Rabbi Yisroel Roll - Seven Habits of Highly Happy People

The Orthodox Community Ohev Yisroel is pleased to welcome internationally acclaimed speaker and author Rabbi Yisroel Roll LL.B. LCPC to speak on the exciting topic of:


Date: Sunday June 15, 2008

Time: Shacharis 8:00am
Breakfast 9:00am
Workshop: 9:30-10:30am

Cost: $5.00 to cover breakfast

Please RSVP to 613-565-6194 or

Rabbi Yisroel Roll is the author of Inner Peace: Achieving Self-Esteem through Prayer and When the Going Gets Tough. Together with Dr. Abraham Twersky, Rabbi Roll is the founder of the LIFE Task Force and

Shavuos: June 8th-10th, 2008

Here are the davening times for Shavuos:

Sunday night: Candle lighting at 8:30 pm
Ma'ariv 9:50 pm (Shavuos can only begin after 49 full days of the Omer)

Monday: Shacharis at 9:00 am
Minchah at 8:30 pm
Ma'ariv at 9:51 pm

Tuesday: Shacharis at 9:00 am
Minchah at 8:30 pm
Shavuos ends, maariv at 9:52 pm

Shabbos Parashas Naso: June 6-7, 2008

Here are the davening times for Shabbos Parashas Naso:

Mincha Friday evening: 6:50pm
Shacharis Saturday morning: 9:00am